Remember the worried Seller who sold their house without knowing where they would live in 30 days?
After signing the Purchase Agreement, Mrs. Seller bemoaned, “It’s too bad the one we really like has a Purchase Agreement on it.” My response was, “Really which one was that?” While at the restaurant I looked it up with the iPad mapping software. It was 2 miles away. And yes, sold contingent on the sale of another property. “Folks you are non-contingent Buyers, we can look at it.” Fifteen minutes later we were in the house and it was a perfect fit. By 5:00 o’clock that evening, the Listing Agent had our acceptable Purchase Agreement. By 7:00 the contingent party was given notice to perform or cancel.
After an interminable wait for 2 business days to pass, the cancellation arrived and the Joyer Home Team Clients got the house and avoided a double move.
Now we couldn’t possibly have imagined how it would all work out.
Thank you Dan and Carol