David Meets Goliath – Face Off with Met Council

As a 20-something Manager for a prominent home builder, I took up the challenge to get our “urban sprawling” acreage subdivisions on well and septic systems approved for FHA financing which included a condition requiring Met Council approval.

After months of preparation, the Met Council meeting day arrived in downtown St. Paul. Sitting in the audience, I was relieved that nearly 60 agenda items were dispatched in 30 minutes. Most were consent agenda items with staff-endorsed outcomes. Mine was not. After a brief staff introduction and recommendation for denial, I was invited to defend the proposal.

After a 45 minutes exchange, the council voted to disregard the staff recommendation and approve our subdivisions. The first in the seven-county metro area.

Thank you Met Council Chairman Roger Scherer (of Scherer Brothers Lumber) for your thoughtful consideration and leadership.