Did you know that it is pre-printed in the purchase agreement that all items screwed in the wall are to stay with the property? That includes curtain rods, shelving, and tv mounts.
Back in 2018 when we could all be together at the closing table I was sitting with my clients and received the call that the buyers were not going to come to closing because the sellers removed the tv mount. We quickly expressed that it was removed unintentionally and that we would return it right away… it was an odd situation as the buyers never came around. There had to be more to their story but their story is not ours to share.
Since they did not come to closing we had to quickly shift gears. Our sellers were purchasing too! We were able to negotiate with their sellers to keep their purchase together; we did a move in agreement so they were able to move into their new home and then we quickly resold their house.
Thanks again Eric and Cindy